NCCP - Advanced EMT 2022-2023

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Course features
  • Author: Phoenix Institute
  • Level: AEMT
  • Course Time: 25 Hours
  • Quizzes: 5 (each content area)
  • GA OEMS Approva #:       GA-2022-PROV-05178
You will receive 2 certificates for this program
- 1 Certificate with the breakdown of hours for your National Registry
- 1 Certificate with the breakdown of hours for GA State EMS Providers

GA state classifies hours differently, so the content is the same but the hours allocation is slightly different. 
Course overview
Upon completion of this program, students will receive the required 25 hours to satisfy the National Core Competency portion of their National Registry Certification.

Please note, that if you are licensed in GA, you will need to complete the State CEUs course to obtain your remaining 15 hours for your license
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Topic Breakdown - National
2.5 Hours Airway/Ventilation
7 Hours Cardiology
3 Hours Trauma
7.5 Hours Medical
5 Hour Operations
25 Total Hours of content

Topic Breakdown - GA State
2.5 Hours Airway/Ventilation
5 Hours Cardiology
3 Hours Trauma
7.5 Hours Medical
4.5 Hours Operations
2.5 Hours Pediatrics
25 Total Hours of Content

Course Lessons

About our Team

Phoenix Institute

The content provided in this course have been designed by providers, educators and others who are considered experts in their field. Phoenix Institute uses a blend of material from their own staff as well as other media from subject matter experts to create a comprehensive, research based experience. 
Patrick Jones - Course author
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